Website News
New Gigs Added:
Other Updates:
• 15 November 2005 - I've simplified my Links section, it wasn't being used by anyone and I hadn't updated it in ages.
• 5 May 2005 - NEW DOMAIN NAME!!!! This site can now be accessed via www.sisters.co.za. Pretty groovy.
• 23 February 2005 - Track listings for all gigs are now shown on the main list page for each year.
• 17 January 2005 - Giglists are now available in PDF format, just click on the link at the bottom of each list
• 30 July 2004 - Version 3 of this site is just about done, many thanks to Quiff Boy for the new layout. I've also sneaked in a rewritten Interview section.
• 12 December 2003 - The lyrics section has now be rewritten, all songs are now searchable for keywords. See how many times your favourite word has appeared in a Sisters song.
• 1 December 2003 - I've tweaked the code in the Trade section, it now leaves a smaller footprint on my server.
• 27 May 2003 - I've added a few more fields to the search page. Have fun.
• 21 January 2003 - Happy New Year. Added a rather groovy song search form to my trade page.
• 8 October 2002 - I've put the links section of my site into a MySQL database, please submit sites.
• 28 August 2002 - Just about everything in the trade section is now in a MySQL database and called by a PHP script. Updates to this site should now be very simple for me.
• 27 August 2002 - I've put in PHP scripts for all the live gig pages. If you notice anything not working with the trade section of this site then please let me know.
• 26 August 2002 - I'll be putting in a PHP and MySQL back end on this site very shortly. This will hopefully make for a more informative page for you and an easy to maintain site for me. You might notice some changes in pages as I learn more about PHP.